Sunday, August 15, 2010

Cabbage, Potato and Keibasa

OK folks here we go.... My very first Recipe!!! This one is one of my favorites!!! Quick, Easy, and VERY VERY YUMMY!!!

Cabbage, Potato and Kielbasa


One large head of Cabbage - Cut into 1/4 and then each 1/4 in half
Approx. 10 small Red Potatoes (depending on size of potato) Don't over load!!
1 package of Kielbasa - cut in 3 inch pieces (sometimes I get crazy and put in 2)

1 cup of Chicken broth or water... I have done it both ways
Place Cabbage in first... NO RACK!!!!!!
Season with salt and pepper, if so desired!!  I Desire!!
Next place the potatoes and then top it off with the Kielbasa!!!

Mmmm!! Almost there!!!
Place lid on top and lock it in. Cook on High Pressure for 13 minutes. This will be a quick release.. When lid unlocks, remove and look inside!!! You will be amazed at the appearance and the smell will be even more amazing!!!

I usually, very carefully, pour the contents into a Large serving dish and place on the table... May I suggest a nice dinner roll of your choice.  I have also discovered (now stay with me on this) Malt Vinegar drizzled over the cabbage, is the kicker to a wonderful and delicious meal!!!  Enjoy and tell me what you think!!!!


  1. Here you go Mom! here is my special potatoes!!
    New Potatoes with Parsley!

    4 tablespoons of unsalted butter (I usually use more)
    2 pounds of red potatoes halved lenghthwise
    1 garlic clove (i usually put in 3 or 4)
    3/4 teaspoons salt or to taste
    1/2 cup chicken brooth
    2 tablespoons parsley

    Place 2 tablespoons of butter into the cooking pot. Once water begins to melt, stir in potatoes, garlic and salt. Saute so that the butter coats al potatoes and the garlic becomes aromatic( About 5 minutes). Add Chicken broth. Lock lid. Select High Pressure. Set timer for 5 minutes. When pressure cooker beeps release quick release. When Pressure is released remove lid. Strain potatoes put potatoes back into cooking pot. Stir in 2 table spoons of butter and parsely!

  2. I'll make this Sunday at the barn (horse barn). My friends will be amazed! Love my pressure cooker!
